Wednesday, July 7, 2010

French Oddities

Turns out we didn't need to visit northern Thailand after all... we could have just gone to the "Chieng Mai" Restaurant in Paris!

If I want crepes that suck, I think I'll just make them myself instead of going to "Creposuk"...

Mommy, mommy - can I ride on the horse with the tequila barrel??? (seen on a merry-go-round near the Eiffel Tower)

An old-timey Paris subway sign

I'm not sure the "Fokop" Business Center is the first place I would go for assistance...

"I like nothing. I am Parisian." Fair enough.

The common abbreviation 24/7 seems clear enough to me, but in France they seem somewhat confused, as evidenced by Example 1:

And Example 2. What do these mean???!

I had never seen subway trains with tires on them until Paris:

The sign on this grave is to make the occupant aware that they are about to be displaced unless they continue to cough up the rental fee...

We saw a ton of these rental bikes all over Paris - neat idea!

Mime practice in the park...

Public street toilets

A very very old Citroen...

1 comment:

  1. The Montreal subway is all rubber tired ever since it opened. Rubber tires are more quiet than
    steel wheels on steel rails.

    24/24h... what's so tricky? Open 24 hours.
